Nutrition Information

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Pinapple, nectarines and yellow grapefruit

Blend together half a medium pinapple, with 3 nectarines and the juice of a freshly squeezed yellow grapefruit to provide you with 1.5 pints of a delicious juicy pinapple puree.

Mark 9/10.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Nectarines, Mint, Banana and Oranges

Blend 4 peeled nectarines, with a small banana, 3 mint leaves ( cut in small pieces) and the juice of 2 freshly squeezed oranges. This give you a very refreshing, liquid and tasy drink.

Mark 8.5/10

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Pinapple, strawberries and mango

Juice half a medium/large pinapple, and a box of strawberries, and then blend the juice with a large peeled mango.

Makes 1.5 pints of a liquid and very tasty smoothie.

Mark: 9.5/10

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Pinapple, Grapefruit, Dates and Mango

Blend together half a medium/large pinapple, 6 to 8 dates, one large mango and the juice of two freshly squeezed yellow grapefruits.

It makes 2 pints of a succulent thick and sweet smoothie.

Mark 9/10

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Lime, banana and strawberries

Make a pint of juicy smoothie out of the juice of three limes blended with a small banana and half a large box of strawberries.

In all honesty, too juicy for me and too bitter as well. Hence a mark of 5/10. Maybe next time I will use a larger banana or an additional small one, and less lime ( One might be sufficient)

A bit of an explanation

When you no longer have internet connection at home or when you are on the road, it becomes quite difficult to update your blog... especially when it is about the smoothies you make everyday...:-) And I clearly felt in that trap over the last few months.

I will nevertheless do my best over the next few weeks to update it daily.

Mango, nectarines, orange and banana

Blend the juice of two freshly squeezed oranges with a small banana, a very large mango, and 3 nectarines, to get a prefect smoothie in terms of consistence, and a very nice one in terms of taste (8/10).

I got two large pints out of the above ingredients.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Grapefruit, nectarines and banana

Squeeze 2 yellow grapefruits. Mix in a blender the juice of the grapefruit with 3 peeled nectarines and a small banana, and you get a pint of very light, refreshing and summery smoothie.

Mark of 8/10